What our customers say
Dance and Integr8 has given me the opportunity to express myself and my emotions. Even the toughest of days ends up being another day of achievement. Integr8 have been a huge part of my life. The smiles and laughter alongside our hard work shows in all our performances. Dance is now my future and I thank Integr8 for having faith in me and giving me opportunities.
Integr8 delivered a term of brilliant classes which linked into our topic. The students responded well to all dancing and activities. Integr8 provided lesson plans for each session, they were extremely professional and a pleasure to work with. We highly recommend Integr8 Dance.
Karen JonesWinnall Primary School
As a relative newcomer to Integr8 I have been so impressed by their supportive and inclusive approach. They value all children, regardless of skill level and are just super supportive, fun and committed to dance!
Laura H-S
Thank you so much for inspiring the Step Up! initiative and for being so much a part of the planning and organisation of the whole thing, as well as finding your own ‘VIP’ and getting them into gear so late in the day. You are always so calm and clear about what needs to be done – I’m sure our first efforts at organising a dance competition must have made you smile, as we struggled with stuff that you do every day of the week.
Eloise ApplebyWinchester City Council
Integr8 has influenced me a lot throughout the years. It has helped me build amazing friendships with all ages and has also helped me find my inner self. Integr8 is also a company that us willing to help you no matter what your goal is and will also make sure you succeed.